It’s here. 2017. And although we’ve all heard it before, the ‘New Year, New Me’ phrase seems to be catching a lot of flak. So why don’t we try ‘New Year, New Love?’ New love for life, for relationships, work, and most importantly your body and what you put in it. Let’s try and make this year all about trying new foods and recipes, and eating a little less of what isn’t so good for us. Me of all people know how hard that can be, but a man by the name of Jim Rohn once said: “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” And let’s face it, it’s time to get on the good foot.
One person who has clearly honed in on the healthy lifestyle is Ally Love. She’s an entrepreneur, host, model, fitness artist – did I mention my Instagram fitspo? And not only is she using her platform to spread positive vibes, she’s gracious enough to spill the deets on how she’s able continuously show her body love, one bite at a time.
SOAB: When did you begin paying attention to your health – in particular, what you put in your body?
Ally Love: I'm always active and movement has always played a huge role in my life. Paying attention to my health has been my routine but more recently when I learned that my true calling and passion was to inspire and empower women through fitness! Health and fitness go hand in hand, I can workout-- run, ride, box, but if I'm not fueling my body with the proper nutritious food that it needs energy levels change, performance changes, and I need to look and feel my very best for shoots and appearances. It's important to understand the role food has on not only your body, but it can affect your skin and because I model, I need to be mindful of this as well- to change from the inside out.
Courtesy: Instagram
SOAB: When you go grocery shopping, what are the five items you're most likely to purchase?
AL: My go to list is:
1. Avocados
2. Oranges
3. Cucumbers
4. Coconut oil
5. Hot sauce
Courtesy: Instagram
SOAB: You travel quite often, what are your go-to snacks when you're on the go?
AL: Any trail mix with nuts, berries, and chocolate chips. Omega 3 mixes always give me good energy and are enough to keep me satiated until I can have a proper meal.
SOAB: Do you give in to temptation during the winter months?
AL: I don't deny myself to have something that my body craves. Everything in moderation. As you get to know me, you'll see I have a love for donuts and if I want something I will have it. It's all about balance!
SOAB: In what way does food represent love to you?
AL: Food is something our bodies need, we crave certain foods-- salty, sweet, spicy, etc. Food to me represents my love for myself and my body. Yes, I have an affinity for doughnuts but I definitely make sure to have proper serving sizes of vegetables, protein and light carbohydrates. --healthy foods will make you feel good throughout the day. It important to function optimally during a workout or to give you the energy you need to make it through the long work days.
SOAB: How would you encourage someone to stay on track with their health/fitness goals this year?
AL: If you're falling off the wagon, dig deep and think about why you started! The end goal might seem so far from reach, but you're a lot closer than yesterday and the only way to reach it is to keep moving forward in that direction. Wear that crown of sweat proudly, make it part of your lifestyle, whether you're an everyday athlete or weekend warrior, move that body and fuel it with the proper food that it needs. Listen, there's only one person who can make your goals happen and that's you. The only way to find out if you're capable of crushing these goals is if you do it. Put some love into yourself and you'll begin to see positive results inside and out.